Financial Statements Analysis of Financial Planning For Your Family

As I said in previous articles of financial planning, we are a family no different than a society where money is the fuel to run the wheel of life in this world. Sorry, I did not teach secular lifestyle that often seem materialistic. We can not deny that we actually need money to live comfortably in this world. It is true that there are people who say always, money is not everything, because life is the true life in the hereafter later. Do I deny it, this statement because it is the highest aim of our life together, with God, our Creator. For, in my opinion, should not blind the eyes of our heart treasures, so we become cruel and cunning. It is therefore fortunate for the good so far used not only a pleasure. Therefore, no way we try and go break a reason, not out of fear, a wrong move, because your life is not merely about the time, but used the time to make the best life and note the time will never wait for you. Every minute that just missed entry into the past. When you really love your family and accept the responsibility that was entrusted to you, then you are forced to draw attention to the family whose name is to pay cash.

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Well, what the way is able to be seen, or do you think about your financial situation of the family, then you have begun the consolidated balance sheet and income families and begin to analyze the accounts of the family you.before, I would ask "Do you know how much your spending per month, as much as the spending by type of transaction on your fixed costs, including fees, depending not specify what the consumption is the is an investment." If you can answer my question then you can create reports or calculate net cash flow of your household budget. Try to summarize all your expenses, here your surplus or deficit on the income your family. Most of us whose names do not control spending or withdraw this, especially when our credit cards more and more .... What might be thc slid aja .... .. I had to sing slogans ... Shop Till You Drop .... ... we are invited to even go bankrupt. Finally, what has happened and we dig only pay with credit card ... ... dig a hole to open the cover of this month and created so ... cool ... save it as it is called a hamster on wheels. What we do not recognize the models and ways of life like this?
Learning to think critically in terms of money, considering the following questions:
  1. What are my purchases are elements that I really need?
  2. Is the need or desire?
  3. Is there another alternative for the goods that we need those who have a lower price with good quality
  4. As such purchases could be delayed for a few minutes?
Short words can not buy, do not buy if yah ... it .. he ... lo so clever, not so greedy and smart, but if necessary, and are not necessary. Try this simple life, so you can easily manage your finances in the family.

Make an analysis of your spending and develop a financial strategy continues through the test:
  1. Highest Priority Scale => Where and what is not output, then this is not the priority it has begun to be analyzed immediately eliminates unnecessary indiscriminate.
  2. Percentage of expenditure => how much of each type of expenditure to total expenditure of your transactions, somehow the largest to the smallest. Learn how to the large expenditure which naturenya a great need, and whether the amount reduced, particularly in connection with consumption.
  3. Create an analysis of how much you spend on consumption, how much money will be used for investment, how to use a lot of money to pay off your loan?
  4. Business models of your knowledge, what you buy with a credit card or by cash, what do you with a shopping list or not where you shop, what attracted the discounts that are not necessarily the level of competence in these positions you need.

The goal is to ensure that the expenditure expenses that you are smart and wise to be removed only for purchases really, really, and be sure to set up the first cut of at least 10% of your income aside for the future of your family. Do not let your big pin of the mast, the deficit, and may have their own headaches. Save and invest your money wisely for the future needs to meet not miss today's lifestyles are komsuntif. Strategies to a large net cash flow is form, to increase revenues and reduce costs as much as possible as quickly as possible and then use the surplus or net cash flow for further investment and or long term needs and financial protection of the family and increase your cash reserves of emergency when you are not satisfied. If necessary, if you make a radical change in consumption habits, or go shopping, so you healthier and produce instant profits need for your family.

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