How to Set Financial Success Key Family

EVERY family that has long been a beginner or even experienced difficulty in managing family finances. Large income sometimes are not effective to meet all needs. Are there accurate solution to overcome it?

Family Financial Planning Experts, Safir said there Senduk. According to him, the problems every family is not the same. There are families who have little income but can meet the needs or can mean mediocre. While there were large income earners also can not leave money.

"However, the core of the real problems were on the way of money management. How any individual can properly manage their income," Safir said that okezone contacted via cell phone, Monday (31/12/2007)

So that these problems do not occur in the year 2008, the Sapphire also provides tips for successfully managing the family finances.

1. Review your investments

Year 2008's when you see smart chance. Begin to review the investments already made, already okay or not correct. In the year 2008 will potentially decrease the bank rate, so you can use the opportunity to invest into the stock market. Minimal stock mutual funds for which have not. But for those who are accustomed to may also try to share the individual.

2. Set back our spending

Given the interest rates will fall, so do not be surprised if the year 2008 many people will spend money to buy goods or services needs. Seeing this phenomenon, the year 2008 can also be interpreted as the year consumptive.

Safir suggested to promote the principle of balance. That is, money spent should not only focus on one component. Not be spent on vacation, while for the daily needs forget.

3. Finding new sources of income

Each person had been a creative time to add new revenue outside of the main income. This is of course to anticipate consumer years to come.

Business areas will be pursued any variety. However, Safir predicts that 2008 will be much sought after people who have knowledge or knowledge, such as a consultant, doctor, and others. If not interested wrestle this field, can try a business broker, the profits gained from the commission.

For employees may be doing business. But Safir advice to businesses should not run away from job sites. This is useful to supervise the business in order to run smoothly.

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